
Pushing to Bzr branches

When you have worked on your changes and want to push them to a remote branch, do the following in the local branch:

The commit message should summarize all the changes you have done after the last commit. You can specify it directly by using -m MESSAGE, and link a bug report to the commit by using --fixes lp:BUGNO.


When you are working on a branch and are making several changes that aren't related to each other, it is recommended that you do several commits. This helps to keep the commit log clean and makes it easier to find any issues that certain changes may have introduced.


When you push to a remote branch the first time, you will need to specify the branch location. In most cases, it will follow the format lp:~username/projectname/branchname. This pushes your code to a personal remote branch. On subsequent pushes, you can omit the branch location, as Bzr will have saved your previous push location in the local branch configuration.