
Submitting merge proposals

Once you have pushed your changes to a personal branch, you might want to propose them to be merged into the main branch.

To do a merge proposal (often referred to as MP) via web browser, start by opening the Launchpad page of your branch. You can find it by going to your Launchpad branches page and clicking on the branch in question. Now, click on Propose for merging. This will open a page that asks for some details on the merge proposal you are about to do.

The Target Branch is usually set correctly by default, change this only if you know it is wrong. If you have been told to add a specific Reviewer, add that reviewer to the appropriate field. Enter a Description of your proposed change as well. If in doubt about any of the options, ask the requested reviewer, or if one isn't specified, in the IRC channel.

Finally, click on Propose Merge. This submits your merge proposal and the target branch's owner as well as the specified reviewers will be sent a mail. If they need further information or want you to work further on the branch, they will comment on the merge proposal. You will be sent a mail any time an action is taken on the merge proposal, including when it's approved and merged into the main branch.

To do a merge proposal from the command line, using both the remembered submit branch (defaults to the parent branch) and the default reviewer team for that branch, run bzr lp-propose-merge. This will open a text editor to enter the description of your proposed change. You can override the default reviewer by using --review NAME one or more times, and link a bug report to the merge proposal by using --fixes lp:BUGNO.